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  1. Yu. D. Medvedev, D. A. Bulekbaev: Determination of a Celestial Body Orbit // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 54, 63–70 (2020)
  2. Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov, Yu. D. Medvedev, G. I. Kornienko, A. V. Kochergin, M. S. Zheltobryukhov, L. A. Benner: Physical Parameters of the Asteroid 2017 VR12 from Radar and Photometric Observations // Astronomy Letters, Vol. 45 No. 2, 104–107 (2019)
  3. Bondarenko Yu. S., Marshalov D. A., Vavilov D.E., Medvedev Yu. D.: Radar observations of near-Earth asteroid 2003 SD220 // EPSC Abstracts, V. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-554-1 (2019)
  4. Bondarenko Yu. S., Marshalov D. A., Medvedev Yu. D., Kornienko G. I., Kochergin A. V., Zheltobryukhov M. S., Benner L. A.: Physical parameters of near-Earth asteroid 2017 VR12 from radar and optical photometric observations // EPSC Abstracts, V. 12, EPSC2018-832, 832–833 (2018)
  5. D. A. Marshalov, Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. D. Medvedev, D. E. Vavilov, M. B. Zotov, A. G. Mikhailov: A Complex for Carrying Out Radar Observations of Near-Earth Objects // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, Volume 61, Issue 4 , 577–582 (2018)
  6. D. A. Marshalov, Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. D. Medvedev, D. E. Vavilov, M. B. Zotov, A. G. Mikhailov: A Complex for Carrying Out Radar Observations of Near-Earth Objects // Приборы и техника эксперимента, Volume 61, Issue 4, 111–116 (2018)
  7. Yu. D. Medvedev, D. E. Vavilov, Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Bulekbaev: Determination of the Planet X Position and Estimation of its Gravitational Influence on the Solar System Bodies // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 44, 97–106 (2018)
  8. Yu. D. Medvedev, A. S. Ipatov, Yu. D. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov: Estimation of the physical and dynamic characteristics of asteroids from radar observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 47, 85–90 (2018)
  9. N. B. Zheleznov, O. M. Kochetova, Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. A. Chernetenko, G. R. Kastel’, V. B. Kuznetsov, Yu. D. Medvedev, V. A. Shor, D. E. Vavilov, T. A. Vinogradova: Software Complex “Asteroids and Comets” at the Site of the Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 141–146 (2017)
  10. A. P. Ershova, Yu. D. Medvedev, D. E. Vavilov: Improved Precision of Numerical Integration for Equations of Motion of Asteroids and Comets // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 43, 70–77 (2017)
  11. Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. D. Medvedev: Asteroids and Comets Motion in the Earth Atmosphere // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 31, 25–38 (2014)
  12. Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. D. Medvedev, P. P. Yas'ko : A Method of Differential Perturbations for Solving Ephemeris Problems // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 23, 172–179 (2012)
  13. Bondarenko Yu.S., Medvedev Yu. D.: Long-term numerical theories of comet motion // Solar System Research, V. 44. I. 2., 144–151 (2010)
  14. Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. D. Medvedev: Method of Calculating Cometary Orbits // Protecting the Earth against Collisions with Asteroids and Comet Nuclei, In: A. M. Finkelstein, W. F. Huebner, V. A. Shor (Eds) Proceedings of the International Conference “Asteroid-Comet Hazard-2009”, StP: Nauka, 129–133 (2010)
  15. A. M. Finkelstein, Yu. D. Medvedev, V. A. Shor: Our View of Objects of ACH-2009 // Protecting the Earth against Collisions with Asteroids and Comet Nuclei, In: A. M. Finkelstein, W. F. Huebner, V. A. Shor (Eds) Proceedings of the International Conference “Asteroid-Comet Hazard-2009”, StP: Nauka, 2–8 (2010)
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