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  1. Ilia Bezrukov, Vladislav Yakovlev, Dmitry Marshalov, Yuri Bondarenko, Alexander Salnikov, Omar Pons Rodriguez: Information technologies of the Russian-Cuban GNSS service // International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol.24, No2, 156–164 (2024)
  2. Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov, B. M. Zinkovsky, A. G. Mikhailov: Radar Images of Permanently Shadowed Regions at the South Pole of the Moon // Solar System Research, Vol. 58, No. 4, 394–403 (2024)
  3. Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov, B. M. Zinkovsky, A. G. Mikhailov: Radar Images of the Candidate Spacecraft Landing Sites on the Moon // Astronomy Letters, Vol. 50, No. 1, 92–97 (2024)
  4. Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov, B. M. Zinkovsky, A. G. Mikhailov: Radar Images of the Candidate Spacecraft Landing Sites on the Moon // Письма в Астрономический журнал, Vol. 50, No. 1, 106–112 (2024)
  5. S. A. Grenkov, D. A. Marshalov, A. G. Mikhailov, A. B. Ustinov, L. V. Fedotov: Hardware and Software Analysis of Intermediate Frequency Signals Based on a Multifunctional Digital Backend System // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 3–8 (2024)
  6. M. V. Lukashova, M. L. Sveshnikov, E. Yu. Pariiskaya, D. A. Zeldak, G. A. Kosmodamiansky, V. I. Skripnichenko: Autonomous Astronavigation Navigator System // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 43–52 (2024)
  7. K. G. Shupen, A. V. Saltsberg, O. E. Nechaeva: On a Comprehensive Approach to Assessing the Characteristics of Onboard Frequency Standards and the Accuracy of Corrections to Onboard GNSS Time Scales // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 15–25 (2024)
  8. A. V. Saltsberg, K. G. Shupen, O. E. Nechaeva: Comparison of Onboard Frequency Standards Performance Based on High-Precision Data from the International GNSS Service // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 26–35 (2024)
  9. Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov, B. M. Zinkovsky, A. G. Mikhailov: Radar Images of Permanently Shadowed Regions at the South Pole of the Moon // Астрономический вестник, Vol. 58, Iss. 4 (2024)
  10. S. S. Rakhmonov, V. V. Popadyev: Improving the Theory of Heights in Geodesy // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 36–42 (2024)
  11. O. V. Berezovskaya, A. V. Kudryavtseva, G. M. Smirnova, M. V. Khutorschicov: On the Refinement of the Isotopic Filter Characteristics for Quantum Frequency Standards on a Rubidium Gas Cell of the Traditional Type // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 9–14 (2024)
  12. Dmitry Ivanov, Alexander Ipatov, Dmitry Marshalov, Gennadiy Ilin, Iskander Gayazov, Evgeny Khvostov, Andrey Mikhailov, Sergey Kurdubov, Sergey Serzhanov, Ilia Bezrukov, Viktor Stempkovsky, Alexander Vytnov, Igor Surkis, Valery Olifirov, Andrey Dyakov, Ismail Rahimov: Russian New Generation VLBI Network // IVS 2022 General Meeting Proceedings, Edited by Kyla L. Armstrong, Dirk Behrend, and Karen D. Baver NASA/CP–20220018789, 37–41 (2023)
  13. Evgeny Nosov, Dmitry Marshalov, Leonid Fedotov, Yuri Bondarenko, Ismail Rahimov: Using the Multifunctional Digital Backend System on Radio Telescopes of Svetloe Observatory // IVS 2022 General Meeting Proceedings, Edited by Kyla L. Armstrong, Dirk Behrend, and Karen D. Baver NASA/CP–20220018789, 77–81 (2023)
  14. Yuriy Vekshin, Voytsekh Ken, Sergei Kurdubov: Optimal Signal Averaging Time in VLBI Sessions // IVS 2022 General Meeting Proceedings, Kyla L. Armstrong, Dirk Behrend, and Karen D. Baver (eds), 144–147 (2023)
  15. I. A. Bezrukov, A. I. Salnikov, V. V. Vasilyev, A. V. Vylegzhanin: Operational Experience of Buffering and Data Transmission Systems During 2012–2022. Development Prospects // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 64, 9–14 (2023)
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