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- S. A. Grenkov, D. A. Marshalov, A. G. Mikhailov, A. B. Ustinov, L. V. Fedotov: Hardware and Software Analysis of Intermediate Frequency Signals Based on a Multifunctional Digital Backend System // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 68, 3–8 (2024)
- D. A. Marshalov, A. S. Berdnikov, S. A. Grenkov, L. V. Fedotov, Yu. S. Sheinman, A. G. Mikhailov, A. B. Ustinov, I. A. Rahimov, A. V. Isaenko: Modernization of the RT-32 Radio Telescope Data Acquisition System in Svetloe Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 70, 39–49 (2024)
- D. A. Marshalov, S. A. Grenkov, N. Ye. Koltsov, L. V. Fedotov: Universal Digital Signal Processing System for Radio Telescopes // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 71, 9–17 (2024)
- S. A. Grenkov, I. A. Rahimov, L. V. Fedotov: Registration of Narrowband Cosmic Radio Emissions with Multifunctional Digital Backend System // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 66, 11–17 (2023)
- S. A. Grenkov, L. V. Fedotov: Synchronization and Delay Stability of Signals in the Multifunctional Digital Backend of Radio Telescope // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 67, 14–23 (2023)
- S. A. Grenkov, L. V. Fedotov: Spectral-Selective Radiometric Recording by Means of Multifunctional Digital Backend System // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 62, 3–9 (2022)
- A. V. Ipatov, I. A. Rahimov, S. A. Grenkov, N. E. Kol’tsov: Results of Monitoring OH Maser Emission at Frequency 1665 MHz in Sources W3, W49, W51 and W75 using RT-32 Radio Telescope at Svetloe Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 60, 27–38 (2022)
- S. A. Grenkov, A. V. Krokhalev, L. V. Fedoto: Experimental Studies of an Ultra-Wideband Analog-to-Digital Converter for Radio Astronomy Equipment // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 58, 17–23 (2021)
- S. A. Grenkov, N. E. Kol’tsov: Improvement of the Digital Registering System for the Radio Emission in Spectral Lines // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 53, 23–29 (2020)
- Koltsov N.E., Grenkov S.A.: A Broadband Spectral Analyzer of Cosmic Radio Emissions // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, №5, pp.633–639 (2019)
- S. Grenkov, L. Fedotov: Результаты испытаний преобразователя потоков данных для цифровой регистрации широкополосных сигналов на радиотелескопе // Приборы и техника эксперимента, №3, 111–115 (2019)
- S. A. Grenkov, L. V. Fedotov: Stability of Digital Data Stream Converters for Radio Telescopes: an Experimental Study // Transactions of IAA RAS, вып. 50, 31–35 (2019)
- Ivanov V. P. , Ipatov A. V., Rahimov I. A., Grenkov S. A., Andreeva T. S.: Radio Observations of Supernova Remnants Using the RT-32 Radio Telescope at the “Svetloe” Observatory of the IAA RAS // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 48, 56–63 (2019)
- V. Ivanov, A. Ipatov, I. Rahimov, S. Grenkov, T. Andreeva: Спектр и переменность остатка сверхновой G21.5-0.9. // Астрономический журнал, Том 96, №8, с.628–637 (2019)
- N. Koltsov, S. Grenkov: Широкополосный анализатор спектров космического радиоизлучения. // Приборы и техника эксперимента, №5, 44–51 (2019)
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