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- Yu. S. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov, B. M. Zinkovsky, A. G. Mikhailov: Radar Images of Permanently Shadowed Regions at the South Pole of the Moon // Астрономический вестник, Vol. 58, Iss. 4 (2024)
- M. Vasilyev, V. Zimovsky, A. Melnikov, I. Surkis, I. Rahimov, V. Olifirov, A. Diakov: Наблюдения космических аппаратов на радиоинтерферометрическом комплексе “Квазар-КВО” // Приборы и техника эксперимента, вып. 6, 111–124 (2022)
- D. Zhuravov, A. Melnikov, S. Kurdubov, I. Surkis, V. Ken, V. Mishin, V. Shantyr, N. Mishina, Y. Kurdubova, V. Zimovsky: RASFX Correlator Processing Result // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 147–150 (2017)
- V. Y. Mishin, I. F. Surkis, N. A. Mishina, V. A. Shantyr, V. F. Zimovsky, Y. L. Kurdubova: Correlation Processing System for “Spectr-R” (Radioastron) Spacecraft Beacon Signal // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 89–94 (2017)
- I. Surkis, V. Ken, Y. Kurdubova, N. Mishina, V. Mishin, V. Shantyr, D. Zhuravov, V. Zimovsky: The RASFX VGOS GPU Based Software Correlator // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 123–126 (2017)
- M. V. Vasilyev, V. F. Zimovsky, G. N. Ilyin, D. A. Marshalov, A. E. Melnikov, N. A. Mishina, V. Yu. Mishin, A. G. Mikhailov, I. F. Surkis, V. A. Shantyr: Space Vehicles Observations Using “Quasar” VLBI Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 131–134 (2017)
- I. F. Surkis, D. V. Zhuravov, V. F. Zimovsky, V. O. Ken, Y. L. Kurdubova, V. Y. Mishin, N. A. Mishina, V. A. Shantyr: GPU Based Software Correlators. VLBI Processing Results Using Observations of RT-13 Telescopes // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 43, 129–139 (2017)
- V. Mishin, I. Surkis, V. Zimovsky, N. Mishina, S. Violetta, Y. Kurdubova: An Autonomous Method to Calculate Spacecraft Orbit and Orientation Parameters in Absence of a priori Information // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 38, 44–49 (2016)
- I. Surkis, V. Zimovsky, V. Ken, Y. Kurdubova, V. Mishin, N. Mishina, Shantyr V: The Software Correlator for VGOS VLBI network Data Processing: First Commissioning Tests // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 36, 83–89 (2016)
- I. F. Surkis, V. F. Zimovsky, V. O. Ken, Y. L. Kurdubova, V. Y. Mishin, N. A. Mishina, V. A. Shantyr: VGOS Software Correlator Implemented on Hybrid Blade Server Cluster // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 33, 64–71 (2015)
- M. V. Vasilyev, V. F. Zimovsky, G. N. Ilyin, D. A. Marshalov, A. E. Melnikov, N. A. Mishina, V. Yu. Mishin, A. G. Mikhailov, I. F. Surkis, V. A. Shantyr: Spacecraft Radio Observations Using VLBI Network «Quasar-KVO» // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 35, 68–73 (2015)
- V. Zimovsky, I. Surkis, I. Bezrukov, M. Vasilyev, A. Melnikov, V. Mishin, A. Mikhailov, A. Salnikov: Центр корреляционной обработки РАН // Всероссийская радиоастрономическая конференция «Радиотелескопы, аппаратура и методы радиоастрономии» (ВРК-2014): тезисы докладов (2014)
- I. Surkis, V. Zimovsky, V. Ken, Y. Kurdubova, V. Mishin, D. Pavlov, N. Mishina, S. Violetta: Программный РСДБ-коррелятор на гибридном процессорном кластере // Всероссийская радиоастрономическая конференция «Радиотелескопы, аппаратура и методы радиоастрономии» (ВРК-2014): тезисы докладов (2014)
- A. Ipatov, S. Smolentsev, A. Salnikov, I. Surkis, I. Gayazov, S. Kurdubov, I. Rahimov, A. Diyakov, V. Shpilevsky, A. Melnikov, V. Zimovsky, L. Fedotov, E. Skurikhina: The state-of-the-art of Russian VLBI network // Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astronomy, N. Zubko and M. Poutanen (eds), Finnish Geodetic Institute, 155–158 (2013)
- A. Ipatov, S. Smolentsev, I. Gayazov, S. Kurdubov, E. Skurikhina, I. Surkis, V. Zimovsky, D. Ivanov, V. Mardyshkin, A. Mikhailov, A. Melnikov, A. Salnikov, L. Fedotov, I. Bezrukov, V. Yakovlev: Ежедневные оперативные определения всемирного времени по наблюдениям РСДБ-комплекса Квазар-КВО // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 27, 237–242 (2013)
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