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- Yu. A. Chernetenko, V. B. Kuznetsov: On the Nongravitational Acceleration in the Motion of the Near–Earth Asteroids // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 56, 48–54 (2021)
- Yu. A. Chernetenko: On the consequences of the existence of planet 9 obtained as a result of simulation // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 53, 60–66 (2020)
- Yu. A. Chernetenko: Nongravitational Effects in the Orbital Motions of Several Sunskirting Comets // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 53, 67–73 (2020)
- Yu. A. Chernetenko: Split Comets and the Circumstances of Splitting for Four Comets // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 51, 93—107 (2019)
- V. А. Shor, D. Е. Vavilov, Т. А. Vinogradova, N. B. Zheleznov, А. V. Zaitsev, О. М. Коchеtоva, V. B. Кuznetsov, Yu. А. Chernetenko: Software System “Prognoz” to Predict Collisions of Asteroids with the Earth and the Moon Part 2. Circumstances of Approaches and Collisions of Potentially Hazardous Celestial Bodies with the Earth and the Moon // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 49, 83–104 (2019)
- V. Shor, D. Vavilov, T. Vinogradova, N. Zheleznov, А. В. Зайцев, O. Kochetova, V. Kuznetsov, Y. Chernetenko: “Prognoz” Program for the Prediction of Сollisions of Asteroids with the Earth and the Moon Part 1. Monitoring the Close Approaches and Collisions of Celestial Bodies with the Earth and the Moon // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 48, 100–112 (2019)
- Kalinicheva O. V., Chernetenko Yu. A.: Features of distribution of long-period comet orbits // Известия ГАО в Пулкове, № 225: Труды Всероссийской астрометрической конференции «Пулково-2018», Санкт-Петербург, 167–172 (2018)
- Shor V.А., Коchеtоva О.М., Zheleznov N.B., Vavilov D.Е., Vinogradova Т.А., Zaitsev А.V., Кuznetsov V.B., Chernetenko Yu.А.: Forecasting rapproachments and collisions of celestial bodies with Earth and Moon carried out by «Prognoz» system // Известия ГАО в Пулкове, № 225: Труды Всероссийской астрометрической конференции «Пулково-2018», Санкт-Петербург, 223–228 (2018)
- Yu. A. Chernetenko: Appearance of the Comet Encke’s Outburst Activity in Its Positional Observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 45, 124–134 (2018)
- V. A. Shor, D. E. Vavilov, T. A. Vinogradova, N. B. Zheleznov, O. M. Kochetova, V. B. Kuznetsov, Yu. A. Chernetenko: Comparison of accuracy and efficiency of methods for estimating the probability of collision of celestial bodies with the Earth // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 46, 117–125 (2018)
- Yu. A. Chernetenko, O. M. Kochetova, V. A. Shor, D. E. Vavilov, T. A. Vinogradova, N. B. Zheleznov: New Opportunities of the Computing−Analytical Complex for Predicting Collisions of the Earth with Asteroids and Comets // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 103–106 (2017)
- N. B. Zheleznov, O. M. Kochetova, Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. A. Chernetenko, G. R. Kastel’, V. B. Kuznetsov, Yu. D. Medvedev, V. A. Shor, D. E. Vavilov, T. A. Vinogradova: Software Complex “Asteroids and Comets” at the Site of the Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 141–146 (2017)
- N. B. Zheleznov, O. M. Kochetova, Yu. A. Chernetenko, V. A. Shor: Precalculation of Celestial Bodies Colliding with the Moon and Places of Their Falling // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 42, 116–124 (2017)
- N. Alehina, Y. Bondarenko, D. Vavilov, T. Vinogradova, N. Zheleznov, G. Kastel, O. Kochetova, V. Kuznetsov, Y. Medvedev, Y. Chernetenko, V. Shor, V. Yakovlev: Software Package “Asteroids and Comets” // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 37, 15–18 (2016)
- V. Kuznetsov, Y. Medvedev, Y. Chernetenko: Ориентация современных звездных каталогов относительно динамической системы DE405, определенная по наблюдениям астероидов // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 38, 3–8 (2016)
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