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- M. Zotov, V. Bykov, Y. Vekshin, D. Erofeev, A. Lavrov, V. Stempkovsky, E. Khvostov, V. Chernov, A. Shishikin, Д. С. Бетеня: RT-1.8 Radio Telescope for Solar Activity Observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 61, 38–43 (2022)
- Yu. V. Vekshin, M. B. Zotov, A. S. Lavrov: A Control Device of S/X-bands Radio Astronomy Receivers Parameters // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 51, 32–41 (2019)
- Yu. V. Vekshin, A. A. Evstigneev, A. P. Lavrov: An Output Signal Stability Analysis of the Radio Telescope Wideband Receiving System Prototype // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 44, 18–25 (2018)
- Y. Vekshin, V. Ken, E. Khvostov, A. Lavrov: A radiointerferometer model based on RT-13 radiotelescopes receiving and recording equipment for the correlation response parameters determination // Радиотехника, №12, 21–28 (2018)
- А. A. Evstigneev, Y. V. Vekshin, O. G. Evstigneeva, M. B. Zotov, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, I. A. Pozdnyakov, E. Y. Khvostov, I. V. Shakhnabiev: The Ultra-Wideband Receiving System for RT-13 Radio Telescope in “Svetloe” Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 46, 50–56 (2018)
- O. Evstigneeva, A. Evstigneev, E. Khvostov, M. Zotov, I. Ipatova, I. Pozdnyakov, V. Mardyshkin, Yu. Vekshin, A. Lavrov: The RF units of ultra wideband receiving system for the obser-vatory "Svetloe" RT-13 radio telescope // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 46, 132–138 (2018)
- E. Yu. Khvostov, Yu. V. Vekshin, I. A. Ipatova, A. V. Krokhalev, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin: A New L-band Two-channel Receiver for the RT-32 Radio Telescope of the “Quasar” Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 47, 106–116 (2018)
- V. Chernov, A. Evstigneev, O. Evstigneeva, D. Ivanov, A. Ipatov, I. Ipatova, E. Khvostov, A. Lavrov, V. Mardyshkin, I. Pozdnyakov, Y. Vekshin, M. Zotov: The S/X/Ka Receiving System for Radio Telescope RT-13 of the “Quasar” VLBI Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 79–84 (2017)
- A. Evstigneev, O. Evstigneeva, E. Khvostov, A. Lavrov, V. Mardyshkin, I. Pozdnyakov: The Ultra-Wideband Receiver System for RT-13 Radio Telescope IAA RAS “Quasar” Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 49–51 (2017)
- A. Lavrov, I. Shakhnabiev: A Linear Motion System of the RT-13 Radio Telescope’s Focal Unit // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 39, 60–67 (2016)
- V. V. Glamazdin, А. А. Evstigneev, М. B. Zotov, D. V. Ivanov, S. I. Ivanov, А. V. Ipatov, А. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, A. O. Perov, O. M. Pylypenko, V. N. Skresanov, V. C. Chernov, V. V Chmil, V. M. Chmil: Development of Receivers for the Radio Telescopes RT-70 for Joint Observations with VLBI-Network «Quasar-KVO» // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 32, 10–20 (2015)
- A. A. Evstigneev, O. G. Evstigneeva, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, I. A. Pozdnyakov, E. Y. Khvostov: The Results of the Wideband Receiving System Development for the RT-13 Radio Telescope // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 35, 98–103 (2015)
- Alexander Ipatov, Irina Ipatova, Vyacheslav Mardyshkin, Alexander Evstigneev, Evgeniy Khvostov, Alexey Lavrov: Tri-band System for the Russian Interferometer // IVS 2014 General Meeting Proceedings "VGOS: The New VLBI Network", Dirk Behrend, Karen D. Baver, and Kyla L. Armstrong (Eds), 118–121 (2014)
- Гламаздин В.В., A. Evstigneev, Зотов М.Б., D. Ivanov, Иванов С.И., A. Ipatov, A. Lavrov, V. Mardyshkin, D. Marshalov, Перов А.О., Пилипенко А.М., Скресанов В.Н., V. Chernov, Чмиль В.В., Чмиль В.М.: Предложения по модернизации приемных устройств радиотелескопов РТ-70 с целью обеспечения их совместимости с РСДБ–комплексом «Квазар-КВО» // Всероссийская радиоастрономическая конференция «Радиотелескопы, аппаратура и методы радиоастрономии» (ВРК-2014): тезисы докладов (2014)
- A. A. Evstigneev, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, V. K. Chernov: Ultra Wideband Receiving System for Small VLBI Antennae // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 28, 36–42 (2014)
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