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  1. M. Zotov, V. Bykov, Y. Vekshin, D. Erofeev, A. Lavrov, V. Stempkovsky, E. Khvostov, V. Chernov, A. Shishikin, Д. С. Бетеня: RT-1.8 Radio Telescope for Solar Activity Observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 61, 38–43 (2022)
  2. Yu. V. Vekshin, M. B. Zotov, A. S. Lavrov: A Control Device of S/X-bands Radio Astronomy Receivers Parameters // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 51, 32–41 (2019)
  3. Yu. V. Vekshin, A. A. Evstigneev, A. P. Lavrov: An Output Signal Stability Analysis of the Radio Telescope Wideband Receiving System Prototype // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 44, 18–25 (2018)
  4. Y. Vekshin, V. Ken, E. Khvostov, A. Lavrov: A radiointerferometer model based on RT-13 radiotelescopes receiving and recording equipment for the correlation response parameters determination // Радиотехника, №12, 21–28 (2018)
  5. А. A. Evstigneev, Y. V. Vekshin, O. G. Evstigneeva, M. B. Zotov, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, I. A. Pozdnyakov, E. Y. Khvostov, I. V. Shakhnabiev: The Ultra-Wideband Receiving System for RT-13 Radio Telescope in “Svetloe” Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 46, 50–56 (2018)
  6. O. Evstigneeva, A. Evstigneev, E. Khvostov, M. Zotov, I. Ipatova, I. Pozdnyakov, V. Mardyshkin, Yu. Vekshin, A. Lavrov: The RF units of ultra wideband receiving system for the obser-vatory "Svetloe" RT-13 radio telescope // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 46, 132–138 (2018)
  7. E. Yu. Khvostov, Yu. V. Vekshin, I. A. Ipatova, A. V. Krokhalev, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin: A New L-band Two-channel Receiver for the RT-32 Radio Telescope of the “Quasar” Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 47, 106–116 (2018)
  8. V. Chernov, A. Evstigneev, O. Evstigneeva, D. Ivanov, A. Ipatov, I. Ipatova, E. Khvostov, A. Lavrov, V. Mardyshkin, I. Pozdnyakov, Y. Vekshin, M. Zotov: The S/X/Ka Receiving System for Radio Telescope RT-13 of the “Quasar” VLBI Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 79–84 (2017)
  9. A. Evstigneev, O. Evstigneeva, E. Khvostov, A. Lavrov, V. Mardyshkin, I. Pozdnyakov: The Ultra-Wideband Receiver System for RT-13 Radio Telescope IAA RAS “Quasar” Network // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 41, 49–51 (2017)
  10. A. Lavrov, I. Shakhnabiev: A Linear Motion System of the RT-13 Radio Telescope’s Focal Unit // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 39, 60–67 (2016)
  11. V. V. Glamazdin, А. А. Evstigneev, М. B. Zotov, D. V. Ivanov, S. I. Ivanov, А. V. Ipatov, А. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, A. O. Perov, O. M. Pylypenko, V. N. Skresanov, V. C. Chernov, V. V Chmil, V. M. Chmil: Development of Receivers for the Radio Telescopes RT-70 for Joint Observations with VLBI-Network «Quasar-KVO» // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 32, 10–20 (2015)
  12. A. A. Evstigneev, O. G. Evstigneeva, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, I. A. Pozdnyakov, E. Y. Khvostov: The Results of the Wideband Receiving System Development for the RT-13 Radio Telescope // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 35, 98–103 (2015)
  13. Alexander Ipatov, Irina Ipatova, Vyacheslav Mardyshkin, Alexander Evstigneev, Evgeniy Khvostov, Alexey Lavrov: Tri-band System for the Russian Interferometer // IVS 2014 General Meeting Proceedings "VGOS: The New VLBI Network", Dirk Behrend, Karen D. Baver, and Kyla L. Armstrong (Eds), 118–121 (2014)
  14. Гламаздин В.В., A. Evstigneev, Зотов М.Б., D. Ivanov, Иванов С.И., A. Ipatov, A. Lavrov, V. Mardyshkin, D. Marshalov, Перов А.О., Пилипенко А.М., Скресанов В.Н., V. Chernov, Чмиль В.В., Чмиль В.М.: Предложения по модернизации приемных устройств радиотелескопов РТ-70 с целью обеспечения их совместимости с РСДБ–комплексом «Квазар-КВО» // Всероссийская радиоастрономическая конференция «Радиотелескопы, аппаратура и методы радиоастрономии» (ВРК-2014): тезисы докладов (2014)
  15. A. A. Evstigneev, A. S. Lavrov, V. V. Mardyshkin, V. K. Chernov: Ultra Wideband Receiving System for Small VLBI Antennae // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 28, 36–42 (2014)
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