Search results
- V. A. Brumberg, E. Groten: IAU resolutions on reference systems and time scales in practice // Astronomy and Astrophysics, 367, 1070-1077 (2001)
- V. A. Brumberg, E. Groten: A note on Earth's rotation angular velocity in the general-relativity framework // Journal of Geodesy, 75(12), 673-676 (2001)
- V. A. Brumberg, E. V. Brumberg: Elliptic Anomaly in Constructing Long-Term and Short-Term Dynamical Theories // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 80(3), 159-166 (2001)
- Yulia A. Chernetenko: International program of observations of selected minor planets: first results // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 80(3), 185–194 (2001)
- Tamara Ivanova: A New Echeloned Poisson Series Processor (EPSP) // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 80(3), 167–176 (2001)
- Krasinsky G. A., Pitjeva E. V., Vasilyev M. V.: EPM - high accuracy numerical planetary and lunar ephemerides // Proceedings of International Conference "AstroKazan - 2001", Sakhibullin N. A. (ed), Astronomy and geodesy in new millennium, Kazan State University, 187-189 (2001)
- Z. M. Malkin, A. V. Voinov: The First Results of Processing EUREF Observations Using Non-Fiducial Strategy // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 6, 255–270 (2001)
- E. V. Pitjeva: Modern Numerical Ephemerides of Planets and the Importance of Ranging Observations for Their Creation // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 80(3), 249-271 (2001)
- E. V. Pitjeva: Progress in the determination of some astronomical constants from radiometric observations of planets and spacecraft // Astronomy and Astrophysics, 371, 760–765 (2001)
- G. A. Krasinsky, E. V. Pitjeva, M. V. Vasilyev, E. I. Yagudina: Estimating Masses of Asteroids // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 6, 114–147 (2001)
- Sveshnikov M. L.: Variations of the solar radius from transits of Mercury through the Sun's disk // Preprints of IAA RAS, № 140 (2001)
- Eleonora I. Yagudina: The use of radar observations of Near-Earth Asteroids in the determination of the dynamical equinox // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 80(3), 195–203 (2001)
- V. Brumberg, П. Бретаньон: Релятивистская небесная механика и параметры вращения Земли // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 6, 170–184 (2001)
- I. Gayazov, М. О.Кешин, A. Fominov: Программный пакет GRAPE и его использование для экспериментальных определений ПВЗ // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 6, 291–299 (2001)
- В. И. Валяев, N. Glebova, А. А.Малков: Астрономические ежегодники: настоящее и будущее // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 6, 185–194 (2001)
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