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  1. V. B. Burmistrov, Е. V. Burmistrov, I. S. Gayazov, G. N. Il’in, A. V. Ipatov, Yu. V. Katsev, V. V. Koval, А. F. Kornev, V. А. Mitryaev, I. А. Rahimov, S. G. Smolentsev: Modernization of «Sazhen-TM» Satellite Laser Ranging System at the «Svetloe» Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 66, 3–10 (2023)
  2. D. V. Ivanov, I. A. Rakhimov, A. A. Diakov, V. G. Olifirov, G. N. Ilin, N. G. Peterova, N. A. Topchilo, A. V. Ipatov, T. S. Andreeva, E. Yu. Khvostov, V. Yu. Bykov: Results of Solar Research Based on Observations of Solar Eclipses at the IAA RAS radio Telescopes for the Period 1999–2022 // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 65, 7–22 (2023)
  3. A. V. Ipatov, L. A. Vedeshin: Remote, Optical and Radar Space Observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 62, 10–14 (2022)
  4. A. V. Ipatov, I. A. Rahimov, S. A. Grenkov, N. E. Kol’tsov: Results of Monitoring OH Maser Emission at Frequency 1665 MHz in Sources W3, W49, W51 and W75 using RT-32 Radio Telescope at Svetloe Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 60, 27–38 (2022)
  5. A. Ipatov, I. Rahimov, N. Koltsov, T. Andreeva: Estimated Accuracy of Spectral-Selective Radiometer // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 61, 44–52 (2022)
  6. D. V. Ivanov, I. A. Rakhimov, A. A. Dyakov, V. G. Olifirov, D. V. Erofeev, N. A. Topchilo, N. G. Peterova, A. V. Ipatov, T. S. Andreeva, G. N. Il’in, E. Yu. Khvostov: Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2020 According to Observations with IAA RAS Radio Telescopes (First Results) // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 56, 22–31 (2021)
  7. A. V. Ipatov, L. A. Vedeshin: The first experiments on laser ranging of the Moon (To the 50th anniversary of the Lunokhod-1 landing on the Moon) // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 53, 30–37 (2020)
  8. Ivanov V. P. , Ipatov A. V., Rahimov I. A., Grenkov S. A., Andreeva T. S.: Radio Observations of Supernova Remnants Using the RT-32 Radio Telescope at the “Svetloe” Observatory of the IAA RAS // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 48, 56–63 (2019)
  9. V. Ivanov, A. Ipatov, I. Rahimov, S. Grenkov, T. Andreeva: Спектр и переменность остатка сверхновой G21.5-0.9. // Астрономический журнал, Том 96, №8, с.628–637 (2019)
  10. A. A. Arkharov, I. A. Rakhimov, D. V. Ivanov, A. V. Ipatov, V. M. Larionov, T. S. Andreeva: Blazar Observations at the RT-32 Radio Telescope of the IAA RAS Svetloe Observatory // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 51, 13–19 (2019)
  11. D. Ivanov, Урацука М.Р., A. Ipatov, D. Marshalov, N. Shuigina, M. Vasilyev, I. Gayazov, G. Ilin, Y. Bondarenko, A. Melnikov, V. Suvorkin: Российско-кубинская станция колокации для проведения радиоастрономических наблюдений и мониторинга околоземного пространства // Астрофизический бюллетень, Том 73, № 2, 269−280 (2018)
  12. V. Ivanov, A. Ipatov, I. Rahimov, S. Grenkov, T. Andreeva: Спектры стандартных радиоисточников на современную эпоху // Астрономический журнал, Том 95, № 9, 609–618 (2018)
  13. I. V. Gosacinskij, A. V. Ipatov, S. A. Grenkov, I. A. Rahimov: Search for a fast variability of OH maser emission in sources W3, W49, W51 and W75 for the period 2015 - 2017 // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 47, 91–100 (2018)
  14. Горшков А.Г., Конникова В.К., Мингалиев М.Г., A. Ipatov, V. Mardyshkin, M. Kharinov, I. Ipatova: Долговременная и быстрая переменность блазара 3C 454.3 в радиодиапазоне в 2010-2017 гг // Астрономический журнал, №3, Том 95, 193–209 (2018)
  15. Yu. D. Medvedev, A. S. Ipatov, Yu. D. Bondarenko, D. A. Marshalov: Estimation of the physical and dynamic characteristics of asteroids from radar observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 47, 85–90 (2018)
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