Результаты поиска
- В. А. Брумберг, Т. В. Иванова: О практическом построении тригонометрической теории вращения Земли // Труды ИПА РАН, вып. 31, 18–24 (2014)
- V. A. Brumberg: Celestial mechanics: Past, Present, Future // Solar System Research, 47(5), 347-358 (2013)
- Брумберг В.А.: Небесная механика: прошлое, настоящее, будущее // Астрономический вестник, 47(5), 376-389 (2013)
- V. A. Brumberg, T. V. Ivanova: On constructing the general Earth's rotation theory // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 109(4), 385-408 (2011)
- V. A. Brumberg, T. V. Ivanova: On solution of the three–axial Earth’s rotation problem // Proceedings of the Journées 2010 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", N. Capitaine (ed.), Observatoire de Paris, 157-160 (2011)
- V. A. Brumberg: Relativistic Celestial Mechanics on the verge of its 100 year anniversary // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 106(3), 209-234 (2010)
- В. А. Брумберг, Т. В. Иванова: Построение теории вращения Земли в тригонометрической форме // Труды ИПА РАН, вып. 21, 145–152 (2010)
- V. A. Brumberg, T. V. Ivanova: Analytical theory of Earth’s rotation // Solar System Research, 43(1), 61-70 (2009)
- V. A. Brumberg, T. V. Ivanova: On general Earth's rotation theory // Proceedings of the Journées 2008 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", M. Soffel and N. Capitaine (eds.), Lohrmann-Observatorium and Observatoire de Paris, 14-15 (2009)
- Брумберг В. А., Иванова Т. В.: Аналитическая теория вращения Земли // Астрономический вестник, 43(1), 64-74 (2009)
- S.M. Kopeikin, E. Pavlis, D. Pavlis, V.A. Brumberg, A. Escapa, J. Getino, A. Gusev, J. Müller, W.-T. Ni, N. Petrova: Prospects in the orbital and rotational dynamics of the Moon with the advent of sub-centimeter lunar laser ranging // Advances in Space Research, 42(8), 1378-1390 (2008)
- Victor Brumberg: On derivation of EIH (Einstein–Infeld–Hoffman) equations of motion from the linearized metric of general relativity theory // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 99(3), 245-252 (2007)
- V. A. Brumberg, T. V. Ivanova: Precession/nutation solution consistent with the general planetary theory // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 97(3), 189-210 (2007)
- V. A. Brumberg, T. V. Ivanova: Precession/Nutation Solution Consistent with the General Planetary Theory // Труды ИПА РАН, вып. 14, 225–250 (2006)
- V. A. Brumberg: On Relativistic Equations of Motion of an Earth Satellite // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 88(2) (2004)
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