Результаты поиска
- S.M. Kopeikin, E. Pavlis, D. Pavlis, V.A. Brumberg, A. Escapa, J. Getino, A. Gusev, J. Müller, W.-T. Ni, N. Petrova: Prospects in the orbital and rotational dynamics of the Moon with the advent of sub-centimeter lunar laser ranging // Advances in Space Research, 42(8), 1378-1390 (2008)
- Erofeev D.V.: Relationship between the IMF Azimuthal Angle and Solar Wind Velocity // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 48, No. 2, 139–144 (2008)
- Andrey Finkelstein, Alexander Ipatov, Sergey Smolentsev: The Network “Quasar”: 2008–2011 // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds), 39–47 (2008)
- Andrey Finkelstein, Elena Skurikhina, Igor Surkis, Alexander Ipatov, Ismail Rahimov, Sergey Smolentsev: QUASAR National Programs of EOP Determination // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds), 319–323 (2008)
- Iskander Gayazov, Elena Skurikhina: Local Ties between Co-located Space Geodetic Instruments at QUASAR Network Observatories // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (eds), St-Petersburg, Nauka, 82-86 (2008)
- Vadim Gubanov: The Phase Variations of Retrograde Free Core Nutation // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein and D. Beherend (eds), St. Petersburg, Nauka, 231-235. (2008)
- Dmitriy Ivanov, Aleksandr Vytnov: Automatic System for Monitoring Hydrogen Masers in QUASAR VLBI Network // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds), 77–81 (2008)
- Mikhail Kharinov, Andrey Mikhailov: Single Dish Radiometric Observations of Geodetic Sources on Radio Telescopes of the QUASAR Network // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds), 72–76 (2008)
- G. A. Krasinsky: Earth’s precession–nutation motion: the error analysis of the theories IAU 2000 and IAU 2006 applying the VLBI data of the years 1984–2006 // Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 101(4), 325-336 (2008)
- George Krasinsky: Secular Decrease of the Earth's Ellipticity from the Analysis of VLBI Data of 1984 2006, and the Long-term Systematic Errors of the Precession-Nutation Models IAU 2000 and IAU 2006 // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds), 231–235 (2008)
- B. Luzum, N. Capitaine, A. Fienga, B. Folkner, T. Fukushima, J. Hilton, C. Hohenkerk, G. Krasinsky, G. Petit, E. Pitjeva, M. Soffel, P. Wallace: Current status of the IAU Working Group for Numerical Standards of Fundamental Astronomy // Proceedings of the Journées 2007 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", N. Capitaine (ed.), Observatoire de Paris, 55-57 (2008)
- S.L. Kurdubov, E. Skurikhina: Source positions time series generation and analysis // Proceedings of the Journées 2007 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", N. Capitaine (ed.), Observatoire de Paris, 44-45 (2008)
- Sergey Kurdubov, Elena Skurikhina: Source Selection for NNR Constraints from Source Position Time Series // Measuring the Future: Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds), 279–283 (2008)
- E. V. Pitjeva: Recent models of the planet motion and fundamental constants determined from position observations of planets and spacecraft // Proceedings of the Journées 2007 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", N. Capitaine (ed.), Observatoire de Paris, 65-68 (2008)
- E. V. Pitjeva: Use of optical and radio astrometric observations of planets, satellites and spacecraft for ephemeris astronomy // Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 248, W. J. Jin, I. Platais, M.A.C. Perryman (Eds.) A giant step: from milli- to micro-arcsecastrometry, 20-22 (2008)
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