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M. N. Andrianov, V. I. Kostenko, S. F. Likhachev: Improving Communication Efficiency in Deep Space Science Experiments // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 64, 3–8 (2023)
A. R. Shaykhutdinov, A. G. Rudnitsky, S. F. Likhachev, V. I. Kostenko, A. S. Andrianov: On Orbital Configuration of Space-VLBI Mission Millimetron // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 47, 72–78 (2018)
A. S. Andrianov, I. A. Guirin, V. E. Jarov, V. I .Kostenko, A. G. Rudnitsky, S. F. Likhachev, M. V. Shatskaya: Radioastron» Project: Correlation Processing of the Earth-Space Interferometer Observations // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 35, 38–45 (2015)
А. А. Андрианов: Проблема измеримости (в) квантовой гравитации // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 18, 26–65 (2008)