
This list is the extension of Marsden's list of observatories published in "Minor Planet Circularies". The additional data about observatories were taken from other sources.

ATTENTION! These coordinates may be used for reduction of routinal observations with standard accuracy. For reduction of high accuracy observations (CCD, meridian obs., NEO objects) should be used more exact coordinates of instrument.

Code Reference
1 list of MPC: nn.25665-25670, 25993, 26206, 26439, 26781, etc. (list of Marsden)
2 “The Astronomical Year-Book for the year 1942”, 1941, p.355-360, in Russian
3 “The Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1980”, 1979, p.472-496
4 “The Astronomical Almanac for the year 2002”, 2000, p.J1-J18
5 “Connaissance des Temps pour l'an 1912”, 1910, p.1*-104*
6 “The Nautical Almanac for the year 1933”, 1932
7 “The Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1974”, 1973, p.486-501
8 D.A.O-Handley, Technical Report 32-1296, NASA, JPL, 1968, p.2-3
9 Various ref.: (Berliner AJ, 1949), (Observ. Astr., 1931) etc.

ASCII file with the coordinates of observatories has the following format:

position contents comment
2- 5 Number of observatory The numbers 0-999 were taken in according to Marsden (Ref.1), the numbers from 1000 were appropriated by us.
7-30 Location of observatory Country, place, town
32-75 Name of observatory and some notes
77-85 Longitude in angular units (
87-94 Geodetic latitude in angular units (ddmm.m)
96-99 Height in meters For observatories with numbers 0-999 and code of reference 1* the heights were taken from maps
101-103 Code of reference For numbers 0-999 the code equals 1 usually. It should be noted that in many cases the heights were obtained unreal from Marsden's data. So the coordinates of obs. from MPC were improved by us from other sources and the code of these observatories was noted by the asteriks (1*)

Author: Mikhail. L. Sveshnikov, IAA RAS