  • Papers

Determination of local geiod for Uzbekistan

Fazilova D. Sh., Magdiev H. N., Skurihina E. A.

Известия ГАО в Пулкове, № 225: Труды Всероссийской астрометрической конференции «Пулково-2018», Санкт-Петербург, 117–122 (2018)

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A comparative analysis of the normal heights obtained using modern global models (GM) of the gravitational field of the Earth EGM2008, EIGEN-6C4, GAO2012 and GNSS measurements with the results of classical leveling for the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been carried out. It was shown that the considered GM are not inferior to each other in accuracy and can be considered equivalent candidates for the definition of a preliminary geoid of the republic. The difference between the model and measured normal altitudes is between 31 m and 94 m with a standard deviation of 18 m. To build a refined model of the region’s geoid, especially in the western part of the republic and in mountainous areas, GM data should be used in conjunction with additional gravimetric measurements and subject to the creation of a denser geodetic network.