

A large ancient impact crater on the eastern edges of the Mare Imbrium.


Selenographic Coordinates 29.72° N, 3.99° W
Diameter 81.04 km
Depth 2.1 km

Radar scattering properties

0.2 [1]
Radar albedo 0.07 [1]
OC radar cross section 2.1×104 km² [1]

Observation Schedule

Date Window, UT
Frequency, MHz
λ, cm
Ptx, kW
R, au
RTT, sec
2020 Oct 26 20:30 - 20:40 RT-13 (Sw) DSA-3 [2] 7190.0 4.2 0.1 0.00266 2.65 ~81100
2020 Oct 29 23:30 - 23:40 0.00267 2.68 ~79800

Echo power spectrum

Continuous wave echo power spectra of Archimedes crater and its surroundings obtained at Svetloe observatory during bistatic radar observations of RT-13/DSA-3 on October 26, 2020 from 20:38 to 20:39 UT and on October 29, 2020 from 23:34 to 23:35 UT. Solid and dashed lines denote echo power in the opposite circular (OC) and same circular (SC) polarizations as that of the transmitted wave.


  1. Yu. Bondarenko et al., 2020.

  2. We thank the National Commission on Space Activities of Argentina (CONAE) and the technical staff at Malargüe station for the help with the radar observations.