
2003 SD220

Discovered on September 29 2003 by LONEOS, Anderson Mesa. Included in the list of the "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids" of the Minor Planet Center.

Orbital and Physical Characteristics

Epoch 2018 Apr 27
Mean Anomaly 28.01270°
Argument of Perihelion 326.93022°
Longitude of Ascending Node 273.91692°
Inclination 8.51490°
Eccentricity 0.2106895
Semimajor Axis 0.8266953 AU
Orbital Period 0.75 years
0.0188111 AU
Orbit type Aten
Absolute Magnitude 17.2
Diameter 1600-800 m
Rotation period 285.0 h [1]

Radar scattering properties

0.22 [2]
Radar albedo 0.17 [2]

Close Approach to the Earth

Date of encounter 2018 Dec 22
Distance 0.0189 AU (7.4 lunar distances)

Observation Schedule

Date Window, UT
Frequency, MHz
λ, cm
Ptx, kW
R, au
RTT, sec
2018 Dec 17 11:05 - 13:10 RT-32 (Sv, Zc) DSS-14 [3] 8560.0 3.5 100 - 144 0.025 25 33
11:05 - 12:38 RT-32 (Bd)
2018 Dec 18 11:40 - 13:10 RT-32 (Sv, Zc) DSS-14 [3] 8560.0 3.5 100 - 144 0.023 23 46
2018 Dec 20 13:00 - 14:40 RT-32 (Zc) DSS-14 [3] 8560.0 3.5 100 - 144 0.020 20 78
2018 Dec 22 14:35 - 15:05 RT-32 (Sv) DSS-14 [3] 8560.0 3.5 100 - 144 0.019 19 87

Echo power spectrum

Bistatic DSS-14/RT-32 continuous wave echo power spectra of 2003 SD220 obtained at Zelenchukskaya observatory on December 20, 2018 from 13:10 to 13:35 UT and Svetloe observatory on December 22 from 14:40 to 14:50 UT. Solid and dashed lines denote echo power in the opposite circular (OC) and same circular (SC) polarizations as that of the transmitted wave.


  1. Warner, B.D. et al., 2009

  2. Yu. S. Bondarenko et al., 2019

  3. We thank L. A. Benner, S. Naidu, M. Brozovic and the technical staff at Goldstone for the help with the radar observations.