
WPLTN Technical Workshop “One-way and two-way SLR for GNSS co-located with RF techniques” (WPLTN-2012)

September 24 - 28, 2012.

St.Petersburg, Russia.


September 24, 2012

IAA RAS, nab. Kutuzova 10

8.30 – 9.45 Registration of participants
9.45 – 10:30 Opening ceremony
10.30 – 11:00 Plenary report: Achieving the vision of GGOS2020.
John LaBrecque (NASA, Washington, USA)

Session: Application of two-way and one-way satellite laser ranging in GNSS. “Laser” GLONASS

Chairman V. D. Shargorodskiy.

11.00 – 11.20 Laser GLONASS. V. D. Shargorodskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia), V. E. Kosenko (Reshetnev company, Zheleznogorsk, Russia), V. V. Pasуnkov (4 TSNII, Moscow region, Russia), M. A. Sadovnikov, A. A. Chubikin (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
11.20 – 11.40 Inter-satellite laser communication and navigation system. V. D. Shargorodskiy, V. V. Sumerin, V. D. Dmitriev, A. A. Chubikin (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
11.40 – 12.00 One-way laser ranging and its application for GLONASS frequency/time support. M. A. Sadovnikov, V. V. Sumerin, V. D. Shargorodskiy. (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
12.00 – 12.40 Coffee Break

Chairman M. A. Sadovnikov

12.40 – 13.00 Russian laser ranging network and its application for GLONASS POD ephemeris/time support. V. B. Burmistrov, Yu. A. Roy, M. A. Sadovnikov, V. D. Shargorodskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
13.00 – 13.20 High-precision system for determination GLONASS ephemeris and time corrections. E. V. Titov, A. A. Fedotov. (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
13.20 – 13.40 NASA's Next generation space geodesy program. S. M. Merkowitz (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA), S. D. Desai, R. S. Gross (Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA), L. M. Hillard, F. G. Lemoine, J. L .Long, C. Ma, J. F. McGarry (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA), D. Murphy (Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA), C. E. Noll (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA), E. C. Pavlis (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA), M. R. Pearlman (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA), D. A. Stowers, F. H. Webb (Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA)
13.40 – 14.00 Improvement and new results of laser time transfer on MEO satellites. Meng Wendong, Zhang Haifeng (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China), Yang Huafeng (Beijing Global Information Center of Application and Exploition, Beijing, China), Zhang Zhongping, Chen Wanzhen (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China), Wang Jie (China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, China), Ivan Prochazka (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
14.00 – 14.20 New technologies for time transfer with picoseconds precision and accuracy. Ivan Prochazka, Josef Blazej, Jan Kodet (Czech Technical University)
14.20 – 14.40 Innovative technology of event timer building. U. Artuh, V. Vedin, E. Bul, V. Bespalko (Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Riga, Latvia), G. Ozolinsh (Eventech Ltd, Riga, Latvia)
14.40 – 15.20 Coffee Break
15.20 – 15.40 Optical communication experiment using very small optical transmitter using SLR station. Hiroo Kunimori, Toshihiro Kubo-oka, Hideki Takenaka, Tetsuharu Fuse, Morio Toyoshima (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
15.40 – 16.00 Accuracy evaluation of QZS-1 orbit solutions with Satellite Laser Ranging. Kyohei Akiyama and JAXA space dynamics team (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan), Toshimichi Otsubo (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
16.00 – 16.20 Managing the IAC CTNP routine regarding collection, processing, centralized verification of measurements' quality and delivery of measured data to the Russian network of stations. V. D. Glotov, M. V. Zinkovsky, T. I. Ivanteva. (TSNIIMASH, Korolev, Russia)
16.20 – 16.40 Presentation of posters:
  1. International SLR Observation of Compass-G1,-I3,-I5 and -M3. Chen Juping, Zhang Haifeng, Wu Zhibo (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China), Yang Huafeng (Beijing Global Information Center of Application and Exploition, Beijing, China), Zhang Zhongping (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China)

  2. Preliminary products of precise orbital and geodetic parameter estimation using SLR data for Korean SLR system. Eunseo Park (Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, Korea), Young-Rok Kim (Astrodynamics & Control Lab, Yonsei University, Korea), Hyung-Chul Lim (Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute, Korea), Sang-Young Park (Astrodynamics & Control Lab, Yonsei University, Korea)

  3. The mission of Chinese space VLBI and laser ranging support for VLBI satellite. Shen Zhiqiang, Zhang Zhongping, Chen Wanzhen. (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China)

  4. Compact laser with pulse duration of less than 100 ps and repetition rates up to 20 kHz for mobile ranging systems. A. Shestakov, I. Shestakova (NPC «ELS-94», Moscow, Russia), A. A. Koltsov (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments»)

19.00 – 21.00 Gala dinner at the House of Scientists for official participants (M. Gorky House of Scientists RAS, Dvortsovaya nab., 26)

September 25, 2012

Hotel “Ambassador”, Rimskogo-Korsakova avenue, 5/7

Session: Co-location measurement tools and techniques of space geodesy for GNSS.

Chairman A. V. Ipatov

9.00 – 9.30 Plenary report: Achievement of the competitive level of accuracy of GLONASS navigation field based on creation of SLR, GNSS monitoring systems and VLBI collocation nodes. V. V. Pasynkov (4 TSNII, Moscow region, Russia)
9.30 – 9.50 The Russian VLBI-network of new generation. А. V. Ipatov, D. V. Ivanov, G. N. Ilin, L. V. Fedotov, I. S. Gayazov, M. N. Kaidanovsky, V. N. Mardyshkin, A. G. Mikhailov, A. I. Salnikov, S. G. Smolentsev, I. F. Surkis (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
9.50 – 10.10 “Quasar” VLBI network observatories as co-location sites. A. V. Ipatov, I. S. Gayazov, S. G. Smolentsev (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
10.10 – 10.30 SLR Observations at the “Quasar” Network Stations. I. S. Gayazov, V. A. Mitryaev, S. G. Smolentsev, I. Rahimov, A. Diyakov, V. Shpilevski, V. Pshenkin, Ya. Rets (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 11.20 Precise orbit determination for HY2A satellite using SLR, DORIS and GPS data. Wu Bin, Zhou Xuhua (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China)
11.20 – 11.40 Transparency of the atmosphere according to WVR data in “Svetloe” observatory and quality of SLR “Sazhen-TM” observations. GN. Ilin, V. A. Mitryaev. (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
11.40 – 12.00 Earth rotation parameters estimation based on SLR data using BERNESE5.0 software. M. Kaufman, S. Pasynok, E. Tsyba (National Metrological Institute of Russia, Moscow reg., Mendeleevo, Russia)
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 13.20 Metrological support of SLR measurements. I. Ignatenko, A. Zhestkov (National Metrological Institute of Russia, Moscow reg., Mendeleevo, Russia)
13.20 – 13.40 EPM-ERA 2012 Lunar ephemeris and selenodynamical parameters from LLR (1970–2012) data. M. V. Vasilyev, E. I. Yagudina (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
13.40 – 14.00 Research and experiment of Lunar laser ranging. Yaoheng Xiong, Zhulian Li, Yuqiang Li, Honglin Fu, Xiangming Zheng, Dongsheng Zhai, Yuncheng Zhang (Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Yunnan, China)
14.00 – 14.20 The ERA software system: current state and future evolution. V. Skripnichenko, D. Pavlov, A. Fishkov (Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia)
14.20 – 14.40 The Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (GRASP). Yoaz Bar-Sever (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA) R. Steven Nerem (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)

Session: Onboard and ground-based equipment and optical technology to provide two-way and one-way laser ranging for GNSS

Chairman Ivan Prochazka

14.40 – 15.00 Improved ball-lens retroreflector satellite for operation in higher orbits. V. P. Vasilev, I. S. Gashkin, (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
15.00 – 15.20 Laser retro-reflector arrays of new generation. M. A. Sadovnikov, A. L. Sokolov, N. M. Souzova (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
15.20 – 15.40 Coffee Break
15.40 – 16.00 Stimulated Brillouin scattering laser for precision satellite tracking. V. B. Burmistrov, A. A. Koltsov (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia), I. Gorbunov, O. Kulagin (IAP RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia)
16.00 – 16.20 High-Frequency laser including IC YAG:Nd/YAG:Cr with frequency doubling for trajectory measurement systems. V. B. Burmistrov, A. A. Koltsov, E. Tesnovskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia; V. Romanuk, A. Shestakov, U. Shipilov (NPC «ELS-94» Moscow, Russia)
16.20 – 16.40 Magnetron optical coatings for laser ranging. O. Volpian, U. Obod, S. Shkatyla (State Unitary Enterprise “M. F. Stelmakh Research & Development Institute-Polyus”, Moscow, Russia)
16.40 – 17.00 Sub-100-attosecond timing jitter optical pulse trains from compact size mode locked fiber lasers. Tae Keun Kim, Youjian Song, Kwangyun Jung, Chur Kim, Hyoji Kim, Chang Hee Nam, and Jungwon Kim (Korea advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea)
17.00 – 17.20 Near ground target for 1.2 m telescope SLR system. Yuncheng Zhang, Zhulian Li, Yuqiang Li, Dongsheng Zhai, Yaoheng Xiong (Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Yunnan, China)
17.20 – 17.40 Simulation and research of transmitting and receiving epoch overlapping phenomenon on co-optical path kHz Laser Ranging System. Zhai Dong-sheng, Li Zhu-lian, Fu Hong-lin , Zhang Hai-tao, Huang-tao, Li Yu-qiang, Zhang Yun-cheng, Xiong Yao--heng (Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Yunnan, China)

September 26, 2012

Radio Astronomical Observatory “Svetloe”

Departure to the observatory “Svetloe”: 10.00 (One bus will start from the hotel “Ambassador” and the second bus - from the IAA RAS)

Excursion around the observatory, events in commemoration of A. M. Finkelstein, barbecue.

September 27, 2012]

Hotel “Ambassador”, Rimskogo-Korsakova avenue, 5/7

Session: Application of optical and laser observation techniques for space debris monitoring

Chairman B. Greene

9.00 – 9.20 Coordinated space debris tracking for collision avoidance in WPLTN. B. Greene (Electro Optic Systems Pty Limited, Canberra, Australia), N. A. Al-Sahhaf (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), L. Hyung-Chul (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea), Z. Zhongping (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China, H. Kunimori (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan), V. Shargorodskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
9.20 – 9.40 Analysis of spacecraft emergencies with the adaptive optical system of the Altai Optical Laser Center (AOLC). V. P. Aleshin, E.A. Grishin, D. D. Novgorodtsev, V. D. Shargorodskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia). Additional media (zip)
9.40 – 10.00 Laser optical radar of the Russian space control system. V. E. Vygon, V. D. Shargorodskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia). Additional media (zip)
10.00 – 10.20 On the possibility of creating a prototype laser system for traffic control of space debris based on a 3 m telescope. A. B. Alexandrov, V. D. Shargorodskiy (OJC «RPC «Precision Systems and Instruments», Moscow, Russia)
10.20 – 10.40 Current status and plan of Korean SLR systems for space geodesy and space debris tracking. Hyung-Chul Lim, Man-Soo Choi, Eunseo Park, Seung-Cheol Bang, Seong-Yeol Yu, Tae Keun Kim, Jang-Hyun Park, Jong-Uk Park (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea)
10.40 – 11.10 Coffee Break
11.10 – 11.30 A method to compensate range offset with apparent angular measurements. Zhipeng Liang, Chengzhi Liu (Changchun Observatory, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Changchun, China)
11.30 – 11.50 Nonlinear-optical approach to overcome industrial pollution of space. V. Gorbunov, O. Kulagin (IAP RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia)
11.50 – 12.10 Establishment and observation of space debris laser ranging system. Zhang Zhongping, Zhang Haifeng, Wu Zhibo, Li Pu, Meng Wendong, Chen Juping, Chen Wan Zhen (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Shanghai, China)
12.10 – 13.00 Closing of the conference
13.00 – 14.30 Gala banquet
15.00 – 18.00 Paid bus tour around St. Petersburg


  1. Considering

    • the necessity and importance of increasing the precision of satellite navigation systems worldwide and their integration, which includes matching coordinate systems and time scales to each other;
    • the fact that combining methods of one-way and two-way laser ranging allows the precision of GNSS geodetic and ephemeris time support to be increased substantially,

    the participants of the International Scientific Technical Conference WPLTN-2012 have come to the common opinion on the following:

    1. We think laser methods of time transmission to be potentially most accurate both for the purpose of solving a problem of matching time scales with each other in different navigation systems and in order to achieve the goal of transmitting time scales to remote points.

    2. We approve the principle of equipping all navigation space crafts both with laser retroreflector systems and receiving devices which register the time a laser pulse is received using the onboard time scale.

    3. We recommend deploying laser stations, which are modernized to operate in one-way and two-way laser ranging mode, nearby the national GNSS synchronizers and other holders of central time scale standards.

    4. We recommend WPLTN member-countries to give high priority status to observations of GNSS navigation spacecrafts which are equipped with retroreflector systems.

    5. We take note that nano-gradient optical coatings have a good future in laser-ranging systems.

  2. Having an opinion that the collocation of various space geodesy measurement technologies has a fundamental role in increasing the accuracy of fundamental and applied positioning, navigation and timing provision, the International Scientific Technical Conference WPLTN-2012 has come to the following conclusions:

    1. We find it necessary to expand the laser ranging system network (SLR), as well as other measurement technologies of space geodesy (VLBI, LLR GNSS and DORIS) on national and international sites, giving priority status to those of them which follow the principle of equal geographical distribution and collocation of measurement equipment and which support the proposition to consider installing Russian SLR and GNSS stations on the sites which are situated on WPLTN member-countries’ territories.

    2. We approve the concept of creating geodetic spacecrafts equipped with the means of various space geodesy measurement technologies, in particular, the concept of creating a precisely calibrated, multi-functional (for the VLBI, SLR, GNSS and DORIS technologies) specialized spacecraft GRASP, which will provide collocation measurements, and we call on all WPLTN members to take all possible opportunities to participate in its creation (for example, Russia can contribute the “Blits” technology).

    3. We acknowledge that the necessary condition for space geodesy development is the creation of new and the modernization of existing laser stations, as well as the methods of their calibration, metrological support and geodetic binding, which would ensure less than one millimeter error for both occasional and systematic cases of measurement.

  3. Considering space debris pollution to be a huge threat to space activities, and acknowledging that this problem requires international cooperation; and noting simultaneously that monitoring methods and active influence on space debris objects are among the perspective trends for activities in this area, the participants of the WPLTN-2012 Conference recommend the following:

    1. WPLTN should organize a space debris optical tracking trial campaign using 1 or 2 tracking stations from each member country. Laser tracking is not to be applied to active spacecraft. The main purpose of this campaign is to limit the growth of space debris by reducing the number of collisions between space debris objects and spacecraft by means of generating relevant information allowing such collisions to be avoided.

    2. A WPLTN Space collision center (SCC) is to be created in order to explore collision cases and coordinate the Trial campaign.

    3. The Trial campaign coordinator Ben Greene (Australia) to send a program and method of observations to all WPLTN members for approval as soon as possible.

    4. Laser methods of space debris monitoring are to be applied wherever it is possible in order to increase the precision of flow forecasting.

    5. It should be considered that laser based system to manage space debris movement is a technologically possible project, though expensive, would require international cooperation in order to create systems of joint application.

  4. Taking into consideration

    • the fact that the Global Geodetic Observing System GGOS is based on all main measurement technologies of space geodesy (VLBI, SLR, LLR, GNSS and DORIS) and therefore recognized as an important contribution of space geodesy to the global task of researching the Earth as a system;

    • the fact that the main trend of GGOS improvement is the worldwide network development of those stations which collocate various space geodesy measurement technologies,

    the participants of the International Scientific and Technical Conference WPLTN-2012 should include an item in their agendas to actively use all their facilities to support the IGGOS project.

  5. WPLTN recognizes the special importance of the SALRO station in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and encourages all its members to provide whatever support is possible for SLR and GNSS operations on this site.

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