Search results
V. M. Tissen, A. S. Tolstikov, G. V. Shuvalov: Research on Variations in the North Pole Offsets to Improve the Forecasts Accuracy of its Coordinates Changes // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 70, 3–12 (2024)
V. M. Tissen, A. Y. Balakhnenko, V. D. Rachkov: Working out the Methodology for Predicting the Course of the Onboard Clock Using a Software Simulator // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 69, 47–56 (2024)
V. M. Tissen: EOP Prediction from Centennial Observational Data in the EOPCPPP International Project // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 23, 196–201 (2012)
V. M. Tissen, A. S. Tolstikov, Z. M. Malkin : Results of Highly Accurate Prediction of UT1 in 2008-2009 for Ephemerides and Time Support of GLONASS // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 20, 245–249 (2009)