  • Papers

Variation of C21, S21 geopotential coefficients from SLR data of LAGEOS satellites

I. S. Gayazov

Proceedings of the Journées 2003 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", A. Finkelstein & N. Capitaine (eds.), Institute of Applied Astronomy, St.Petersburg, 193-198 (2004)

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SLR data of Lageos 1 and Lageos 2 satellites on 8-year time span have been processed to analyse long-term variations of C21; S21 geopotential coecients. The first-degree harmonic coefficients C10; C11; S11 which are equivalent to the geocenter off sets and the corrections to C20 coeffcient were also included in 10-day solutions together with orbital parameters and along-track accelerations of satellites. The aim of the work was to verify the adequacy of the dynamic pole tide formulation in the latest issue of IERS Conventions. Monthly averaged values of corrections to C21; S21 coefficients does not show explicit long-term variations. The analysis also allowed to determine corrections to the linear model based on the mean rotational pole path of the Earth.