

Lunar laser ranging in Nauchny, Crimea (1982–1984)

The laser ranging observations or lunar retroreflectors were performed at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (USSR) since early 1970 (Lunokhod landing) till 1984, when Soviet lunar programs came to the end.

This dataset covers only the observations of 1982–1984.

The data is courtesy of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

Data file.

The file format is described in Appendix C of the paper: J. D. Mulholland, "Proposed Standards for Distribution and Documentation of Lunar Laser Ranging Data", COSPAR Information Bulletin, 61, London, 1972.

The file format description is also provided in a NASA technical report by P. J. Shelus: "Lunar laser ranging data deposited in the National Space Science Data Center normal points, filtered observations, and unfiltered photon detections" (available online).

Normal points

25 normal points were calculated from the above raw data by James Williams and Dale Boggs (NASA JPL) and kindly provided by James Williams.

Data file.

The file format is MINI. The description of the format can be found e. g. at the Paris Observatory website.

Radar ranging of planets in Eupatoria, Crimea (1962–1995)





File format

Columns Format Contents
4 i1 planet: 1-Mercury, 2-Venus, 4-Mars
7-8 i2 number of the transmitting station
11-12 i2 number of the receiving station
15-27 f13.3 date and time of signal emission:
15-18 year
19-20 number of the month
21-22 the day of the month
24-25 hours
26-27 minutes
30-32 a3 the scale of time of signal emition: UT2(1962-1971), UTC(1972-1995)
36-49 f14.3 observed round-trip light time (microseconds)
51-58 f8.3 a priori uncertainty (microseconds)

Coordinates of stations

Spin-Axis (km) East Longitude (degrees) Z-Height (km)
station 8 +4504.198165 +33.2527222 +4500.751416
station 9 +4500.234786 +33.1712222 +4504.698850
station 10 +4502.724878 +33.1884278 +4502.245050

Other information

Frequency is 769.42875 MHz (1962–1986) or 5010.024 MHz (1988–1995).

The provided date is the date of the emission of the signal.


  • Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 50, N 4, 1973 (Kotelnikov V. A., Akim E. L., Aleksandrov Yu. N., Geraskin V. T., Golovkov V. K., Dubrovin V. M., Zaitsev A. L., Kaevitser V. I., Kuznetsov B. I., Naumkin Yu. K., Petrov G. M., Rzhiga O. N., Frantsesson A. V., Khasyanov A. F., Shakhovskoi, A. M.)
  • Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 53, N 6, 1976 (Kotelnikov V. A., Akim E. L., Aleksandrov Iu. N., Golovkov V. K., Dubrovin V. M., Zaitsev A. L., Kaevitser V. I., Krymov A. A., Kuznetsov B. I., Naumkin Iu. K.) Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 56, N 2, 1979 (Kotelnikov V. A., Aleksandrov Iu. N., Golovkov V. K., Dubrovin V. M., Zaitsev A. L., Kaevitser V. I., Krymov A. A., Naumkin Iu. K., Petrov G. M., Rzhiga O. N.)
  • Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 57, N 1, 1980 (Kotelnikov V. A., Aleksandrov Y. N., Golovkov V. K., Dubrovin V. M., Zaitsev A. L., Kaevitser V. I., Kislik M. D., Koluka Y. F., Krymov A. A., Naumkin Y. K., Petrov G. M., Rzhiga O. N., Tagaevskij A. T., Tikhonov V. F., Khasyanov A. F., Shakhovskoj A. M. )
  • Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 59, N 4, 1982 (Kotelnikov V. A., Aleksandrov Iu. N., Andreev R. A., Vyshlov A. S., Dubrovin V. M., Grishmanovskii V. A., Zaitsev A. L., Kaevitser V. I., Krymov A. A., Petrov, G. M.)
  • Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 60, N 3, 1983 (Kotelnikov V. A., Alexandrov Y. N., Andreev R. A., Vyshlov A. S., Dubrovin V. M., Zajtsev A. L., Ignatov S. P., Kaevitser V. I., Kozlov A. N., Krymov A. A., Molotov E. P., Petrov G. M., Rzhiga O. N., Tagaevskij A. T., Khasyanov A. F., Shakhovskoj A. M., Shchetinnikov S. A.)
  • Technical Report of the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE), n.123-13-84, 1984 Technical Report of the IRE, n.127-20-87, 1987 Technical Report of the IRE, n.123-14-88, 1988 Technical Report of the IRE, n.11210-2113.1-2959, 1990 Private communications from Zaitsev A.L.- IRE RAS, 1995,1996