
Transactions of IAA RAS. Iss. 68. (2024)

ISBN 978-5-93197-090-5

Transactions Is. 68. — SPb.: IAA RAS, 2024. — 56 p.


S. A. Grenkov, D. A. Marshalov, A. G. Mikhailov, A. B. Ustinov, L. V. Fedotov Hardware and Software Analysis of Intermediate Frequency Signals Based on a Multifunctional Digital Backend System 3
O. V. Berezovskaya, A. V. Kudryavtseva, G. M. Smirnova, M. V. Khutorschicov On the Refinement of the Isotopic Filter Characteristics for Quantum Frequency Standards on a Rubidium Gas Cell of the Traditional Type 9
K. G. Shupen, A. V. Saltsberg, O. E. Nechaeva On a Comprehensive Approach to Assessing the Characteristics of Onboard Frequency Standards and the Accuracy of Corrections to Onboard GNSS Time Scales 15
A. V. Saltsberg, K. G. Shupen, O. E. Nechaeva Comparison of Onboard Frequency Standards Performance Based on High-Precision Data from the International GNSS Service 26
S. S. Rakhmonov, V. V. Popadyev Improving the Theory of Heights in Geodesy 36
M. V. Lukashova, M. L. Sveshnikov, E. Yu. Pariiskaya, D. A. Zeldak, G. A. Kosmodamiansky, V. I. Skripnichenko Autonomous Astronavigation Navigator System 43