Труды ИПА РАН, вып. 26, 2012 г.
Специальный выпуск сборника содержит материалы Симпозиума 4 «Измерения в
Солнечной системе в следующее десятилетие», проходившего в рамках
Международной конференции JENFM-2011 («Европейская неделя астрономии и наук об
исследовании комического пространства», Санкт-Петербург, 4–8 июля 2011 г.)
Yu. Chernetenko, O. Kochetova, V. Shor |
Circumstances of (99942) Apophis' approaches to the Earth in 2029-2036 |
3 |
Yu. Chernetenko, O. Kochetova |
Masses of some binary asteroids obtained by the dynamical method |
17 |
P. Fedorov, Ya. Yatskiv, V. Bobylev |
Comparison of the XPM catalog with the ICRF 2 and other catalogs |
23 |
V. Kuznetsov |
Geometric method for determination of parabolic orbits |
28 |
Z. Malkin, V. Tissen, A. Tolstikov |
Accuracy assessment of the UT1 prediction method based on 100-year series analysis |
34 |
Z. Malkin, V. L'vov, S. Tsekmejster |
A Forthcoming mutual events of planets and astrometric radio sources |
39 |
N. Miller, Z. Malkin |
Analysis of polar motion variations from 170-year observation series |
44 |
E. Pitjeva |
The IAA RAS fundamental ephemerides of planets and the Moon (EPM): their model, parameters, accuracy |
54 |
E. Pitjeva, N. Pitjev |
Estimations of the change of the Sun's mass and the gravitation constant based on high-accuracy observations of planets and spacecraft |
65 |
A. Poroshina, M. Zamarashkina, G. Kosmdamianskiy |
Construction of the numerical motion theories for the main satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in IAA RAS |
75 |
I. Shmeld, M. Abele, D. Bezrukov, V. Bezrukov, N. Jekabsons, M. Nechaeva, G. Ozolins |
Space debris ranging observations with Irbene RT-32 telescope |
88 |
V. Usanin |
Model for motion of comet Encke during all its apparitions |
99 |
T. Vinogradova |
The mass of the asteroid belt |
110 |
E. Yagudina, G. Krasinsky, S. Prokhorenko |
New version of EPM-ERA lunar theory |
116 |
I. Gayazov, O. Bratseva |
On combined processing of different space geodetic observations |
122 |
S. Kurdubov, V. Gubanov |
Global VLBI data processing results |
128 |
Yu. Bondarenko, Yu. Chernetenko, Yu. Medvedev |
Physical and dynamical parameters of particles in outbursting Comet 17 P/Holmes |
133 |