Laboratory of Small Bodies of the Solar System (LSBSS)
Dr. Yurij Dmitrievich Medvedev,
The most important field of research in the LSBSS is dynamics of minor planets and comets, particularly:
- Orbit improvement of minor planets from optical and radar observations;
- Processing of minor planet observations for determination of orientation of star catalogues and determination of masses of minor planets by dynamical method;
- Estimation of collision probability of minor planets with other bodies and with each other;
- Investigation of prograde-rotational motion of components in binary systems and associated light curves;
- Evolution of comet orbits under the influence of gravitational perturbations and non-gravitational forces. Calculation of the orbits and ephemerides of comets, in particular those which have closes approaches with the Earth;
- Dynamics of dust matter in a cometary head. Influence of dust and gas distribution in comet atmospheres on the results of astrometric and photometric observations. Dynamics of meteoric flows and their interrelationship with comets;
The laboratory provides the following regularly updated data and software:
- Elements of Minor Planets 2025 txt
- Calatogue of Minor Planets
- Software package AMPLE
- Software package AMPLE3
- Software package Halley
- Halley
- Asteroid hazard application
Joint work
The Laboratory participates in joint work on observations of near Earth objects and selected minor planets in conformity with agreements concluded between IAA and Crimean Astrophysical observatory, Nikolaev observatory (Ukraine) and Astronomical Observatory of Kharkov University (Ukraine). The Laboratory supplies observers with ephemerides, distributes urgent information on fast moving objects, determines and improves orbits of new discovered objects. The information about fast moving objects is distributed also among all interested observatories.
Laboratory also participates in suggesting new names and corresponding citations for minor planets. For the purpose of solving these problems a number of catalogues and data bases are maintained. Among these are the catalogue of minor planet observations (corresponds to catalogue of Minor Planet Center (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA), the catalogue of minor planet names, the catalogue of elements of numbered and unnumbered minor planets, the catalogue of NEA's, the data base DOZOR containing the information on the minor planets discovered by domestic astronomers or named in honor of events of home history, toponyms, citizens of Russia and the former USSR.