
Nautical Astronomical Yearbook

The "Nautical Astronomical Yearbook" (NAY, in Russian) had been published since 1930 by the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main content of the yearbook is daily tables, including data to calculate the local hourly angles and declinations of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and also 160 stars at any given time. The times of rise, set, culminations of the celestial bodies, twilights, phases of the Moon, and the azimuths of sunrise (sunset) of the solar upper limb are calculated with the help of NAY. The ephemerides have the accuracy 0.1'.

The main content of the yearbook is daily tables, including data to calculate the local hourly angles and declinations of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, as well as 160 stars at any given time. With MAE, you can get moments of rising and setting, culminations of stars, twilight, phases of the moon and azimuths of the upper limb of the Sun at sunrise (sunset). Ephemerides are given to within 0.1'.

Also NAY contains the tables of apparent places of stars, of the azimuths of Polaris, the tables for calculating latitude by the height of Polaris and seven appendices (one of which contains the main interpolation tables and tables for calculation of altitudes and azimuths TAA-57).

The explanation containing the examples illustrates the possibility of computingan of various ephemerides for any point in time and location of observation.

Domestic ephemerides of the EPM series were used as an ephemeris basis when calculating the ephemeris of the Sun, Moon and major planets. When calculating the ephemeris of stars, the fundamental catalog of FK6 was used, and the ephemeris of stars not included in this catalog are based on the use of the HIPPARCOS catalog.

NAY data can be used not only in nautical practice, but also in aircraft, in expeditionary work, as well as by astronomers.

The following is a sample of a two-page of the daily NAY tables.



  • M.В V.В Lukashova, Ph.D. (editor-in-chief)
  • N.В B.В Zheleznov, Ph.D. (deputy editor-in-chief)
  • N.В I.В Glebova, Ph.D.
  • V.В N.В Kostin (Naval Scientific Research Institute of Navigation and Hydrography), Ph.D.



MAY is distributed by Cartographic Technology Centre (E-mail)
