
Ephemerides of Minor Planets

The yearbook “Ephemerides of minor planets” (published since 1948) contains information on orbital elements of numbered minor planets and the circumstances of their observations during the best observation periods. Its form and content follow the scientific policy of the International Astronomical Union. It is intended for minor planet observers (professionals and amateurs) and specialists studying minor planet motion and physical nature.

Starting from the volume of EMP for 2012 the Institute of Applied Astronomy proceeds to publication of EMP in the electronic form (iso-image) by recording it on compact disk.

From EMP for 2020 the sending of brochure with sufficiently detailed contents of yearbook is stopped. It's accessible in electronic form only. From EMP for 2021 the preparing of opposition ephemerides of minor planets in PDF files is stopped. These ephemerides are preparing in TXT format only and placed in archive.

EMP Data

The volume of the EMP for 2021 contains:

  • Introduction, which comprises sufficiently detailed contents of yearbook;

  • orbital elements of 545135 minor planets, numbered as of April 30, 2020 and dates of their oppositions in 2021;

  • Table of orbital elements of all near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) numbered as of April 30, 2020 and dates of their oppositions in 2021;

  • Table of orbital elements of Centaurs and transneptunian objects and dates of their oppositions in 2021;

  • Table of orbital elements of some unusual minor planets (Jupiter-crossers, Jupiter-approachers and some Mars-crossers) and dates of their oppositions in 2021;

  • osculating elements of perturbing planets and inverse values of their masses;

  • minor planet lightcurve parameters;

  • ambiguoes periods of lightcurves;

  • binary asteroid lightcurves;

  • binary asteroid parameters;

  • non-principal axis rotation (tumbling) asteroids;

  • asteroid spin axes;

  • ephemerides of NEAs and some unusual minor planets;

  • status of minor planet observations as of April 30, 2020;

  • positions of the antisun and the Moon;

  • information on the AMPLE package;

  • information on the asteroid families.

Apart from full set of Tables of EMP the CD contains also the integrated software package AMPLE which is intended for computation of various ephemeris data for 2021 and solving a number of problems associated with their use.

You can copy ISO-image of the disk from ftp server via anonymous access by address: .

Online versions

