Search results
A. L. Fey, D. Gordon, C. S. Jacobs, C. Ma, R. A. Gaume, E. F. Arias, G. Bianco, D. A. Boboltz, S. Böckmann, S. Bolotin, P. Charlot, A. Collioud, G. Engelhardt, J. Gipson, A.-M. Gontier, R. Heinkelmann, S. Kurdubov, S. Lambert, S. Lytvyn, D. S. MacMillan, Z. Malkin, A. Nothnagel, R. Ojha, E. Skurikhina, J. Sokolova, J. Souchay, O. J. Sovers, V. Tesmer, O. Titov, G. Wang, V. Zharov: The Second Realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame by Very Long Baseline Interferometry // The Astronomical Journal, Volume 150, Number 2 (2015)
N. Miller, Z. Malkin: Analysis of polar motion variations from 170-year observation series // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 26, 44–53 (2012)
Z. Malkin, V. L'vov, S. Tsekmejster.: A Forthcoming mutual events of planets and astrometric radio sources // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 26, 39–43 (2012)
Z. Malkin, V. Tissen, A. Tolstikov: Accuracy assessment of the UT1 prediction method based on 100-year series analysis // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 26, 34–38 (2012)
V. M. Tissen, A. S. Tolstikov, Z. M. Malkin : Results of Highly Accurate Prediction of UT1 in 2008-2009 for Ephemerides and Time Support of GLONASS // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 20, 245–249 (2009)
A. M. Finkelstein, A. V. Ipatov, Z. M. Malkin, I. A. Rahimov, E. A. Skurikhina, S. G. Smolentsev: Results of VLBI Observations at Svetloe Observatory in IVS Geodynamical Programs // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 12, 3–11 (2005)
A. Fikelstein, V. Gratchev, A. Ipatov, Z. Malkin, I. Rahimov, E. Skurikhina, S. Smolentsev: The first results of VLBI observations at the Svetloe observatory in the framework of the IVS observing programs // Proceedings of the Journées 2003 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", A. Finkelstein & N. Capitaine (eds.), Institute of Applied Astronomy, St. Petersburg, 32-38 (2004)
Z. Malkin: Comparison of VLBI nutation series with the IAU2000A model // Proceedings of the Journées 2003 "Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels", A. Finkelstein & N. Capitaine (eds.), Institute of Applied Astronomy, St. Petersburg, 24-31 (2004)
Malkin Z., Terentev D.: Investigation of the Parameters of the Free Core Nutation from VLBI data // Preprints of IAA RAS, № 149 (2003)
Z. M. Malkin, A. V. Voinov: The First Results of Processing EUREF Observations Using Non-Fiducial Strategy // Transactions of IAA RAS, issue 6, 255–270 (2001)
Malkin Z., Skurikhina E.: On рrediction of EOF // Preprints of IAA RAS, № 93 (1996)