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The Ephemerides of the Inner Planets from Spacecraft Range Data and Radar Observations 1961–1995

E. V. Pitjeva

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Colloquium 165, I. M. Wytrzyszczak, J. H. Lieske, R. A. Feldman (Eds.) Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 251-256 (1997)

Информация о статье


A numerical theory of motion of the inner planets and Jupiter is presented. The numerical ephemerides were compared with the set of American and Russian radar observations of planets, obtained during 1961–1995 (nearly 60000 observations), together with range measurements of Martian landers Viking-1,-2 and Mariner-9 tracking data. The main fitted parameters were the elements of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, the Astronomical Unit, the scale corrections to the reference surface of planets and variability of the gravitational constant. The parameters of Mars rotation, coordinates of Viking landers, elements and the mass of Jupiter, the masses of the three asteroids were evaluated from Viking landers observations.