
Guidelines for Authors of the Transactions of the Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS

General information

Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with these guidelines may be returned to the authors without being registered by the editorial board.
It is necessary to submit an electronic version of the manuscript in order for it to be considered for publication by the editors.
The electronic version should include files containing the text of the manuscript, tables, and figures. The text together with the figures and tables should be presented in a single file, with files containing figures also included separately.
The files can be sent by email to

1. Format of Manuscripts

Please use the publisher's style file, which will help authors correctly prepare their manuscripts for submission.
1.1. The text should be entered in PT Serif (10 pt) font with a line spacing of 1. The manuscript should be carefully edited, and all pages must be numbered.
1.2. The electronic version of the manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word (newest versions) and attached to an e-mail message. If the size of a file or set of files is large, please reduce this size using archiving tools, such as ZIP, RAR, or ARJ.
1.3. The beginning of the manuscript is formatted in the following order: the manuscript title (PT Serif, 13 pt., Bold); the list of authors (PT Serif, 11 pt., Bold); authors’ affiliations, the city and the country (PT Serif, 10 pt.); and an abstract followed by keywords (more than 10 and less than 15 lines, PT Serif, 9 pt., which is a brief introduction of the following article).
The abstract and keywords translated into English should be at the end of the manuscript. It can be either an even translation of the original abstract or an expanded interpretation (recommended). In case the main text is submitted in English, then its abstract is to be translated into Russian. The fonts for the translated abstract are in the following example.
1.4. The abstract should not contain undefined abbreviations or references.
1.5. The list of references should begin after the text of the manuscript, with the heading REFERENCES

An example of the manuscript formatting:

An example of the manuscript formatting

(Download this example in docx format )

2. General Recommendations

2.1.All abbreviations must be defined, with the exception of a few widely used ones.
2.2.Only Latin or Greek letters should be used in math formulas. Latin letters should be browsed using light italic font and Greek is to be light non-italic.
2.3.Vectors should be written using bold font, for example, E, B (with no arrow above).
2.4.Mathematical symbols such as sin, lim, log, max, exp, erf, symbols for chemical elements, and notation for types of waves (O waves, TM mode, E01 mode) and plasma confinement regimes (L and H modes) should be written using regular style. 2.5.Decimal numbers should be written using a point, not a comma (0.25 instead of 0,25).
2.6.The symbols *, ', ±, individual Greek letters, individual italic or bold letters, individual variables or symbols which have only a superscript or subscript, units of measurement, numerical figures in the text, and simple mathematical or chemical formulas (such as a2 + b2 = c2, H2SO4) should be entered as ordinary text, without using embedded structures (i.e., without using Microsoft Equation, MathType, etc.).
2.7.A space is always included between initials and surnames: A.A. Ivanov (except when listing authors in the heading of a manuscript, where a space is also included between initials: A. A. Ivanov).
2.8.There should be no period after the manuscript title, the list of authors, addresses, section headings and subheadings, titles of tables, or units of measure (for example, s for seconds, g for grams, min for minutes, d for days, deg for degrees).
2.9.There should be a period after footnotes (including those in tables), notes to tables, figure captions, the abstract.

3. Recommendation for Typing Formulas

3.1.Mathematical formulas should be entered as ordinary text, without using embedded structures (i.e., without using Microsoft Equation, MathType, etc.). Mathematical formulas formatted on a separate line can be typeset in MathType in special cases only. The typesetting of formulas made up of composite elements (table, text, or an embedded frame) is not allowed.
3.2.Formulas typeset in MathType should use usual fonts, symbol sizes, and symbol placement. Manual adjustment of individual symbols or elements of formulas is not allowed.

4. Formatting of References

4.1.All references should be presented in their original language and numbered in the order of their appearance in the manuscript. Each reference in the text should be in square brackets ([1], [7–9]) and refer to a single source number in the reference list.
4.2.Titles of cited articles should be given.
4.3.If the reference is made to the source which has more than three authors, the first two of them are mentioned at the beginning of the reference line, then the name of the article (or a book, etc.) follows, and then all authors must be listed (followed by the indications of the place of issue, the name of the publisher, the year of publishing, the volume number and pages), for example: Glebova N.I., Lukashova M.V. and others. The PersAY System (A Personal Astronomical Calendar). Version1.0 / N.I. Glebova, M.V. Lukashova, V.D. Mikheeva, G.A. Netsvetaeva, E.J. Pariiskaya, M.L. Sveshnikov, V.I. Skripnichenko // IAA RAS Reports. — SPb.: IAA RAS, 2010. — № 185. — 67 p.
4.4.The following abbreviations of journal titles must be used:

  • Astronomical Journal — Astron. J.
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics — Astron. Astrophys.
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series — Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
  • Astrophysical Journal — Astrophys. J.
  • Bulletin Geodesique — Bull. Geod.
  • Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy — Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr.
  • Geophysical Journal — Geophys. J.
  • Geophysical Journal International — Geophys. J. Int.
  • Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Geophys. — Geophys. J. RAS
  • Geophysical Research Letters — Geophys. Res. Let.
  • Journal of Geodesy — J. Geod.
  • Journal of Geophysical Researches — J. Geophys. Res.
  • Journal of Geophysics — J. Geophys.
  • Manuscripta Geodaetica — Man. Geod.
  • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society — Mon. Not. RAS
  • Physical Review D — Phys. Rev. D.
  • Physical Review Letters — Phys. Rev. Let.
  • Proceedings of the ... Conference (Colloquium, Symposium) — Proc. ... Conf. (Coll., Symp.)
  • Transactions of the ... —Trans. ...
  • Астрономический журнал — Астрон. журн.
  • Письма в Астрономический журнал — Письма в Астрон. журн.
  • Кинематика и физика небесных тел — Кинем. и физ. неб. тел
  • Препринт ИТА РАН — Препр. ИТА РАН
  • Сообщения ИПА РАН — Сообщ. ИПА РАН

Examples of reference formatting:

(1) Journal: - Hogbom J. A. Aperture Synthesis with a Non-Regular Distribution // Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. — 1974. — Vol. 15. — P. 417–426. - Brumberg V. A. Relativistic Celestial Mechanics on the verge of its 100 year anniversary. Brouwer Award lecture // Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. — 2010. — Vol. 106, Issue 3. — P. 209—234. - Губанов В. С. Новые оценки параметров обратной свободной нутации земного ядра // Письма в Астрон. журн. — М.: Наука, 2010. — Т. 36, № 6. — С. 468—475.

(2) Book: - Elton R. C. X-ray Lasers — New York: Academic Press, 1994. - Аллен К. У. Астрофизические величины. — М.: Мир, 1960. - Есепкина Н. А., Корольков Д. В., Парийский Ю. Н. Радиотелескопы и интерферометры. — М.: Наука, 1973. — 415 с.

(3) Articles in a collection: - 1. Verkhodanov O. V. Problems in Modern Radio Astronomy // Transactions of the Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS. — St. Petersburg.: Nauka, 1997). — Vol. 1, p. 322. - 2. Михайлов А. Г. Программное обеспечение центрального управляющего компьютера наблюдательного пункта РСДБ-сети «Квазар-КВО» // Труды ИПА РАН. — СПб.: Наука, 2004. — Вып. 12. — C. 68—92. - 3. Гончарский А. В., Леонов А. С., Ягола А. Г. Методы решения интегральных уравнений Фредгольма 1-го рода типа свертки // Некоторые вопросы автоматизированной обработки и интерпретации физических экспериментов. — М.: МГУ, 1973. — Вып. 1. — С. 170—191.

(4) Conference proceedings: - 1. Nikolsky G. A., Medvedev Yu. D., Schultz E. O. The Tunguska catastrophe is the consequence of a series of explosions of comet nucleus fragment // Protecting the Earth against collisions with asteroids and comet nuclei. Proc. сonf. «Asteroid and comet hazard-2009» / еds.: A. Finkelstein, W. Hubner, V. Shor. — St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2010. — P. 179—183. - 2. Гаязов И. С. Навигация по гравитационному полю // Фундаментальное и прикладное координатно-временное и навигационное обеспечение (КВНО-2009). Третья Всероссийская конференция: тезисы докладов. — СПб: ИПА РАН, 2009. — С. 42—44.

(5) Patents: - 1. Пат. 2187888 Рос. Федерация, МПК7 Н 04 В 1/38, Н 04 J 13/00. Приемопередающее устройство / Чугаева В. И.; заявитель и патентообладатель Воронеж. науч.-исслед. ин-т связи. — Заявл. 18.12.00; опубл. 20.08.02, Бюл. № 23 (II ч.). — 3 с.

(6) Electronic sources: - 1. Author I. I. Realization of VLBI Strategies [Electronic source] // The World of Astronomy: Electron. Scientif. Journ. — 2006. — № 4. — URL: (Date seen: 15.12.2007).

5. Format of Numerical Material

5.1.Numerical data must be given in the form of tables.
5.2.Tables should be numbered using Arabic numbers, in the order they are referred to in the text.
5.3.All table columns must have headers and be divided by vertical lines.

6. Formatting of Figures

6.1.Figures should be clear and understandable. Figures and photographs should be included in the main text of the article. Each figure should have a caption (font: PT Serif, 9 pt,) which should express the contents of its figure clearly and should not create a necessity to refer back to the text additionally. Simultaneously, the captions should not repeat the wording of the references in the main text. Figure captions should be placed as follows: table titles are above their tables, and picture captions are under their pictures.
6.2.Figures will be accepted for processing only in black-and-white form. Colored pictures can be published after the approval of the Editorial Board only.
6.3.If several figures appear together under a single number (for example, 1a, 1b, etc.), they must all have a single caption.
6.4.The quantities plotted must be indicated along the horizontal and vertical axes of plots, together with the corresponding units of measure, for example: R, cm; ne, 1013 cm−3; Ө, deg; I, rel. units.
6.5.Cluttering of figures with superfluous labels should be avoided. All the textual information referring to a figure should be in the caption below the figure. Curves in figures are best labeled with numbers with a key to the numbers given in the caption. Labels should not touch any parts of graphics.
6.6.The following formats with a resolution of 600 dpi should be used for figures: .eps, .ai, .psd or .tiff. A resolution of at least 300 dpi should be used for photographs.