
Труды ИПА РАН, вып. 26, 2012 г.

Специальный выпуск сборника содержит материалы Симпозиума 4 «Измерения в Солнечной системе в следующее десятилетие», проходившего в рамках Международной конференции JENFM-2011 («Европейская неделя астрономии и наук об исследовании комического пространства», Санкт-Петербург, 4–8 июля 2011 г.)


Yu. Chernetenko, O. Kochetova, V. Shor Circumstances of (99942) Apophis' approaches to the Earth in 2029-2036 3
Yu. Chernetenko, O. Kochetova Masses of some binary asteroids obtained by the dynamical method 17
P. Fedorov, Ya. Yatskiv, V. Bobylev Comparison of the XPM catalog with the ICRF 2 and other catalogs 23
V. Kuznetsov Geometric method for determination of parabolic orbits 28
Z. Malkin, V. Tissen, A. Tolstikov Accuracy assessment of the UT1 prediction method based on 100-year series analysis 34
Z. Malkin, V. L'vov, S. Tsekmejster A Forthcoming mutual events of planets and astrometric radio sources 39
N. Miller, Z. Malkin Analysis of polar motion variations from 170-year observation series 44
E. Pitjeva The IAA RAS fundamental ephemerides of planets and the Moon (EPM): their model, parameters, accuracy 54
E. Pitjeva, N. Pitjev Estimations of the change of the Sun's mass and the gravitation constant based on high-accuracy observations of planets and spacecraft 65
A. Poroshina, M. Zamarashkina, G. Kosmdamianskiy Construction of the numerical motion theories for the main satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in IAA RAS 75
I. Shmeld, M. Abele, D. Bezrukov, V. Bezrukov, N. Jekabsons, M. Nechaeva, G. Ozolins Space debris ranging observations with Irbene RT-32 telescope 88
V. Usanin Model for motion of comet Encke during all its apparitions 99
T. Vinogradova The mass of the asteroid belt 110
E. Yagudina, G. Krasinsky, S. Prokhorenko New version of EPM-ERA lunar theory 116
I. Gayazov, O. Bratseva On combined processing of different space geodetic observations 122
S. Kurdubov, V. Gubanov Global VLBI data processing results 128
Yu. Bondarenko, Yu. Chernetenko, Yu. Medvedev Physical and dynamical parameters of particles in outbursting Comet 17 P/Holmes 133